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Everything posted by Zehaava

  1. // ACCEPTED \\ I beleive this has already been started IC, that is very good to see. We are awaiting our next clothing pack but after that we can support with custom branded clothing for your business, for now please continue roleplaying these out and we look forward to seeing the events.
  2. Horizon Networks Development Plans Enhancements to the Civilian Life We plan to create and implement various civilian related / legal opportunities for players, A few of these are listed below. Diving [ coral sampling ] Coral sampling will involve going beyond your norm into the depths of the San Andreas Ocean to discover various new living organisms. In a prevention to pollution, scientists will require samples and are willing to pay to further their research, and who knows.. Deep below the sea there may be various other things to discover and collect. Development Status: LIVE NOW Trucking [ broom broom ] Grab a group of friends, rent a truck and participate hauling loads together and across the city. Don't worry, for you lonely ones out there our friend Bill will still give you contracts. Development Status: LIVE NOW Hunting [ pew pew ] The San Andreas State Government is working on the hunting season as another avenue for revenue and attraction to those who are willing to get their hands dirty. Hunting will require a steady hand, and a good shot, along with patience and perfect timing. Collecting, and setting traps or using bait to line up the perfect shot. Development Status: (LIVE NOW) Yellow-Pages Rework [ various miscellaneous jobs ] Yellow-pages have noticed a lack of workers and will be deciding to contact other providers, meaning there are plans for a complete rework to all jobs introducing group/team based work. Development Status: (Deprecated) More properties [ new housing / apartments ] Planned development of new properties throughout San Andreas, along with new apartments and housing with personal garages and storages. Development Status: (LIVE NOW) Casino Very easy way to make money… right? Development Status: (In-progress) New Animations Menu New animations menu to help you search, view and change binds along with the ability to now favourite up to 30 animations with a simple right click. Development Status: (LIVE NOW) In game Computer Horizon OS will provide you access to different applications depending on your activities within the server. Businesses will manage their employees gangs will control access to their resources and manage their rosters along with general banking, racing and much more. Development Status: (LIVE NOW) Department of Justice The Department of Justice is currently still seeking lawyers in an attempt to rebuild, with newly established judges & a new courthouse being implemented; the department of justice requires eager and passionate lawyers to ensure justice for the citizens of Los Santos. Apply here: Click on me! Los Santos Police Department The LSPD & BCSO are gaining in numbers with planned academies to occur in the coming weeks, along with SWAT returning to their roots in BCSO but will remain on call for when they are required. Positions are open, and if you think you have what it takes, apply! Apply here: Click on me! Los Santos Emergency Services They are still down bad.. However! There has been promising results, with familiar faces filling the ranks recently. If you're into some ERP, or intense medical rp... apply! Apply here: Click on me! Enhancements to Criminal Activities We have numerous plans for various robberies, and criminal related activities and we will be continuously improving on the life of crime within Horizon Money Laundering [ enhanced money washing ] We plan to implement a system to turn your various small, and medium notes into larger bands of notes. Along with a new and improved way to clean them (find out IC) Development Status (LIVE NOW) Drug Crafting / Selling [ enhanced drug selling / crafting ] We will be introducing new drugs, along with a fresh new way to craft them that may require some 5head thinking. Development Status: (LIVE NOW) Weapon Crafting [ additional craftable weapons ] We also plan to introduce new craftable weapons into the world of crime, these weapons will add a new level of risk to criminal activities while allowing for maximum reward. Development Status: (LIVE NOW) Gang Hideouts [ registered organisations ] Gang hideouts will allow registered orgs to purchase property that will include garages, storages, gang funds & much more including a very unique method of managing your group. Development Status: (LIVE NOW) New Robbery [ a unique new robbery ] A new and unique robbery including a new mini-game to test your skills will be coming soon, you'll require a trusted squad and a big whiteboard to plan this one. Development Status: (LIVE NOW) Enhancements to UI and Visuals New Banking [ a refresh on our current banking UI and System ] This refresh will include new systems to visualize your spending, and earnings along with all transactional data from the history of your character. Meaning that although the UI is new, it will include data relating to your character from it's beginning! Development Status: (LIVE NOW) Character Selection [ refresh on our character selection & creation process ] Introduces a new visualization of your characters when loading into our server. Including a new character creation process that is simple and allows for multiple characters to be created. Development Status: (LIVE NOW) Inventory Refresh [ Making things look better! ] We have refreshed the inventory and specifically the crafting system allowing for a much easier visualization of crafting in terms of UI. Development Status: (LIVE NOW) These are just a few activities that are currently being planned, or are already in-development. We appreciate everyone who has been consistently playing, and providing suggestions and support. We will continue to develop and improve the server. Regards, Horizon Networks Development & Staff Team
  3. Recently there has been a major issue with Nvidia's Shadowplay and it's willingness to work with FiveM. This article depicts the main method used to repair this issue and should allow Shadowplay to work with FiveM. First you'll need to navigate to your FiveM's Application Data that can be found by right clicking on your fiveM Application > Properities > and clicking Open File Location / Open Directory as seen below. Once you've clicked Open File Location, you'll need to click on the FiveM Application Data folder. From here you will need to find your CitizenFX.ini file. (note: editing this client file will not result in any issues with fiveM, if issues do occur this file can be deleted and FiveM will recreate the file on launch.) When this file is open, you'll want to write : DisableNVSP=0 On a new line. Your file should look similar to mine below. This should allow you to record using Nvidia Shadowplay.

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