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Everything posted by Ady

  1. Business Application \\ APPROVED // Your application has been approved by the Senior Staff and Development team. We would like to see you RP'ing in this space and growing the business before we add in anything new but we are excited to see where you take it Regards, Ady | Senior Administrator
  2. Business Application\\ PENDING // Your application is currently under review by the Senior Staff and Development team. We have been monitoring your role play progress with the business and have loved what we have seen. We would like to see what progression you make with the business. There is no estimated time on the approval or denial of your application, however we thank you for putting in the time and effort to apply. You will receive another notification pending the verdict of this application in this comment section. Regards, Ady | Senior Administrator
  3. Business Application\\ PENDING // Your application is currently under review by the Senior Staff and Development team. There is no estimated time on the approval or denial of your application, however we thank you for putting in the time and effort to apply. You will receive another notification pending the verdict of this application in this comment section. Regards, Ady | Senior Administrator
  4. Business Application \\ APPROVED PENDING // Your application has been approved pending by the Senior Staff and Development team. We would like to see you contacting DOJ and getting all the business set up in RP and started before we consider adding anything in city. Staff will watch your role play with the business to monitor progress. Regards, Ady | Senior Administrator
  5. BUSINESS APPLICATION - QUESTIONS OUT-OF-CHARACTER SECTION Steam username: Danger Graphics Discord username: dangergraphics Age: 23 Time zone: NZDT (Can't get forum to log in message on discord if needed) BUSINESS APPLICATION - FORM IN-CHARACTER SECTION FIRST NAME: Johnny LAST NAME: Danger 1. BUSINESS NAME? Ride Wraps Ltd 2. BUSINESS IDENTITY (LOGOS)? 3. HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE EXPRESSED INTEREST TO BE EMPLOYED AT YOUR BUSINESS? More of a self employed business as I don't know many other graphic designers like myself. 4. WHAT CAN YOUR BUSINESS BRING TO SAN ANDREAS? Brand new vehicle signage for whether it be Companies. Racers, or just events I can create someone's idea into a reality for the in city vehicles. As racing is now a new thing and more people are getting involved I believe this company will skyrocket as so many people have already expressed the interest of having their car designed. As it makes a vehicle from just a vehicle to someone's pride and joy and brings a bit more meaning to the vehicle. Can also design up billboards for local businesses in the city such as DJE, Amaris etc, do flyers for events that are up and coming. 5. WHAT ARE YOUR AMBITIONS FOR YOUR BUSINESS? Create unique designs for the vehicles in Los Santos and will give everyone the chance to have something unique about their car whether it be a full on wrap job to a small anime sticker on their window. 6. WHERE WILL YOUR BUSINESS BE LOCATED? Either a small shop inside of LST upstairs and utilise a part of LST for where the "signage" will be done or a similar building next to LST like some of the "Bugstars" building so people can get their upgrades there and then go for signage if wanted or even possibly where "Otto's Garage" is currently but rebrand it as it is already a workshop but possibly change out some of the interior for stuff like a vinyl cutter, vinyl printer, heat guns, vinyl film etc things to do with signage instead of a workshop. I would be happy to help with the remodeling of building and rebranding. END OF APPLICATION PLEASE BE PATIENT WHEN WAITING FOR A RESPONSE ON YOUR APPLICATION, IF SUCCESSFUL YOU WILL BE CONTACTED ON DISCORD.
  6. Business Application\\ PENDING // Your application is currently under review by the Senior Staff and Development team. There is no estimated time on the approval or denial of your application, however we thank you for putting in the time and effort to apply. You will receive another notification pending the verdict of this application in this comment section. Regards, Ady | Senior Administrator
  7. Business Application \\ PENDING // Your application is currently under review by the Senior Staff and Development team. There is no estimated time on the approval or denial of your application, however we thank you for putting in the time and effort to apply. You will receive another notification pending the verdict of this application in this comment section, in the meantime however you are welcome to RP ownership using the current interior near Legion. Regards, Ady | Senior Administrator

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